Comments on: Geometric Wooden Art Adventures in Trying Sun, 22 Sep 2019 18:18:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marianne Sun, 22 Sep 2019 18:18:46 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Hi Sarah, I’m so glad you like it! I do not have instructions to make it larger. I would just start with the pieces labeled 1 and 2. Grab some 1×3 and 3/4″ dowel, laying them next to each other like they are in one quadrant. This will help you figure out about how long they should be to be to get to the overall size you would like, then go from there. All of those pieces are the same length and will form the core of the design. From there, you can figure out the lengths of the remaining pieces. Hope that helps and good luck!

By: Sarah Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:36:58 +0000 Good Morning,

I absolutely love your creation, but I would like to make it larger to go over my sofa. Would you happen to have the same instructions for a larger replica? Please let me know.

