Categories: House & HomeProjects

Furniture Flip Challenge 3

Update! See the final piece below 🙂

So back in January and February, when I was shopping for pieces to add to our little bedroom makeover (like our bed that I refinished!), I got just a little addicted to browsing Facebook marketplace. As a result, my workshop got a little stuffed with project pieces. As I was working on trim work for the Cliffhanger a couple of weeks ago, I knew I needed to prioritize those pieces, because I have NO room to work!

Shortly after that, I saw that a new Furniture Flip Challenge had started. (Check out their site here!) I thought it would be a great way to give myself a deadline and get one of those little pieces done. And it’s a great way to work on learning some new skills.

I didn’t want to do anything too big or daunting, as my primary focus right now is finishing up at the flip house. But I pulled out this little guy that I found at Goodwill for $8.

I picked this piece up because I loved the unique pulls on it and how it fit so well into the decorative trim on the drawers. I wanted those pulls to pop out rather than blending in with the wood. I also didn’t love the bulky trim around the bottom.

I started by sanding down the top a bit to get it smooth for painting. Then I tackled the bottom. Most of it came off pretty easily as it was simply screwed on.

I then cut the bottoms off the sides with a jigsaw and created this stumpy little guy.

The Base

I struggled with what to put on the bottom. I wanted it to have little feet, but I needed a way to attach them, and I struggled with a style to go with. I also wanted to keep this project on the frugal side, and compared to the $8 price tag on the piece itself, adding in feet and brackets just seemed to be too expensive. Add in a case of covid quarantine and not being able to go to the store, I decided to make a bottom on my own from scrap.

I wanted the piece to be up off the ground, but adding plain straight legs just wouldn’t jive with the rest of the piece.

To attach legs to the piece, I decided to make a base out of 1x material. To add in a bit of flair, I routed a 3/8″ cove into 1×3. (You can see in the pic below that I used 1×2 for the front and 1×3 on the sides… it’s just what I had on hand.)

After mitering the ends, I clamped, glued and stapled the base together before letting it sit overnight.

The next day I screwed the 2Ă—2 legs in from the top, then screwed the base to the bottom of the cabinet. To soften the legs,I cut these out of 1Ă—3 and glued and nailed into the legs.


To get ready to paint, I vacuumed the piece and cleaned it with Phosphate free TSP. I then wiped it with a tack cloth and started painting. I had recently picked up this new Fusion Mineral Paint color Blue Pine. I knew I wanted a blue or grey with the brass pulls, and it was fun to try out this new color.

The Final Piece (and A Bit More Color)

And now you can really see the unique pulls that seemed to have been made for this piece!

I also wanted to add some fun inside with some wallpaper. Again, I was a homebound, so I pulled out this extra paper I had used on my nightstand. I couldn’t believe how well it matched the blue!

Hope you enjoyed this little project! I was glad to find a reason to give myself a little kick to complete one of these pieces!

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