Easy Painted Wooden Sign – Thankful

A few years ago, I used the old pencil eraser painting technique to make artwork for my daughers’ rooms with their names in script. They were delicate and pretty, and fun to do! I also liked the dimension the paint gets when it’s simply tapped on. It gives it a lacey feel. So I thought I’d bring back that technique for this simple sign.

The template is sized for a 1×6.


  1. Print out the template and tape the pages together.
  2. Stain or paint your board as desired. I stained mine with Minwax Puritan Pine.
  3. Center the template over the board and tape down one side with painter’s tape.
  4. Using a ballpoint pen, trace over the template to leave a slight indentation in the wood. You may want to lift the template occasionally to make sure you are getting everything.
  5. Remove the template, and grab your paint. I used a creamy white.
  6. Dip the eraser end of a pencil in the paint, then blot on a scrap piece of cardboard, then begin filling in the letters. Don’t rub the eraser, just tap it down.  I would generally paint about 3 or 4 spots before dipping in paint again.
  7. Continue to fill in the rest of the word. Occasionally, I would roll the edge of the eraser on my cardboard to get off any accumulating paints on the sides.
  8. And that’s it! Both fun and easy – that’s what I need!
Download Thankful Template Here


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