You may remember a geometric wooden piece I shared with you a couple of months ago. I was in the middle of having a lot of fun with angles, and in the midst of that I also made this wall quilt. This piece is actually a little easier than the first, as there are only 2 different sized pieces in this design, all cut from 1×4.

The beauty of this design, as in all quilting, is the way the pattern can take on entirely different looks depending on how the colors are used.



24 Parallelograms – each “straight” side 3 1/2″, ends cut at 45 degrees

24 right triangles, each leg 3 1/2″

1×2 *

2 @ 21″ – inner frame

2@ 24″ – inner frame

2 @ 25 1/2″ – outer frame

2@ 22 1/2″ – outer frame

*All sizes approximate and should be cut to fit.


1 sheet at 2′ x 2′ – cut to fit – I used 1/8″ thick


  1. Clamp down 2 of your 1×2 pieces to form a right angle on one corner of the plywood, flush to the outside edges. This will provide a frame against which you can lay out your design and keep pieces square.
  2. Cut and lay out your pieces, starting at that corner.
  3. Once all the pieces are laid out, mark and cut the 1×2 frame pieces and the plywood to size. My plywood and long pieces of the inner frame ended up being about 23 1/2″.
  4. Optional: label each piece on the back as you remove it. I numbered mine, as you can see below. You may wish to simply mark the back side and the finish the piece will receive. But I didn’t know yet what pattern I was doing, so numbering them helped me keep them in order.
  5. I snapped a picture of the entire quilt first, and mocked up the numbers on top of the picture on my phone. Alternatively, you could sketch out the design and number the pieces on paper for reference.
  6. I played a bit to decide on my pattern, using my phone to help out a little!
  7. Once you’ve decided on your pattern, finish your pieces as desired. I used a light blue, a watered down white for for the whitewash, and Minwax Puritan Pine for the stained pieces.
  8. To reassemble, I glued down all of the quilt pieces with my favorite, Gorilla Glue. I glued and nailed the frame with my Ryobi Airstrike Nailer.

Piece out!

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View Comments

  • I Absolutely LOVE the wall quilt! What a beautiful and clever idea! It is simply gorgeous!! Thank you for the word printables also! I have been looking for quite a while for a template that I could use for the words I love that would be big enough to put in areas throughout my house. All of them that I have ever found have been too small and just big enough to put in an 8 X 10 framed picture! These are absolutely perfect and just what I have been looking for! Can't thank you enough! Your work inspires me to want to start crafting, painting and making things again. Thank you and Blessings to you and your family!!

    • Thank you so very much Joylynn! Your words inspire me to keep sharing what I'm doing! Thank you so much and blessings you and yours!

  • I love this quilt! I want to make one for my daughter. I was wondering if I could paint the wood strips before cutting them? It seems like it might be easier, but there may be a reason not to do that. What's your advice? Thanks for sharing your ideas!

    • Hi Mary, thank you! Yes, you certain can paint them before. I found it easier to cut all of mine first just for organization in my mind, knowing which piece needed to be which color. It would awesome cut down on waste. One other thing to be concerned with is if the saw could chip the edges a bit. Good luck!

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